Initial Consultation
Wondering what happens at an initial consultation with an osteopathic manual therapist?
Manual Therapy Treatment
When you book an appointment with Jonathan you will begin a journey of healing. An osteopathic treatment has many aspects to it.
Two Clinic Locations
Jonathan has 2 clinics to serve you. One is located in Dundas Ontario, the other in Paris Ontario.
Since 1993
Jonathan Spratt M.OMSc
Jonathan Spratt M.OMSc. Master in Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences. Jonathan is proud of his craft and an advocate of osteopathic therapy. Jonathan has attended the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, has an Honours in Biology from McMaster University and an Honours in Human Kinetics from Guelph. Jonathan has spent the past 5 years in the manual therapy field making extensive use of manual diagnosis and treatment guided by the osteopathic profession.
The goal of treatment is to restore proper body mechanics, nerve impulses and circulation of body fluids all in a non-invasive way.

Next Steps...
Please contact Jonathan to find out how he can help you!